Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rather than having a day to anticipate, anxiously await and celebrate, the twins birthday seemed to last for a couple of weeks.  I started preparing about a week ahead of time ~ cleaning, decorating and cooking.  We were excited to have Greg's folks here for the big day too!!  BUT instead we got a nice visit form the stomach bug and all 6 of us dropped like flies quickly.   The stomach bug even sent Ruby and Jett to after hours for much needed iv hydration.  Due to our visit from that nasty little bug we had to postpone the party to the following Saturday.  The big girls were able to completely get better as well as the rest of us too.  We were sad to not have had the party with Greg's Mom and Dad but selfishly we enjoyed time with just them and not have to worry about preparing for the party.
Finally the day arrived and I can not tell you how many times I heard Ellie say"Finally this day is here, its going to be the best ever!"  I think she really was more excited for all of the sweet treats and friends that were coming more than anything!

 My sweet little Jett really had a hard time with all of the party business.  Feeling pretty overwhelmed for a good portion of the party he finally gave in towards the end to having some fun!! 
 Ruby's sweet tutu made by nanny
 Ruby and Jett's good buddy Preston.

 They both drank so much water after they enjoyed their cake!!

 Finally capturing some sweet smiles form our little buddy.

 She is already a lady on a mission.

 Jett and Ruby's new rides were a big hit.  They love these little movers so much and they giggle whenever they are on them!!  Jett has even figured out how to push himself around on the wood floor!   
Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet babies!  I adore you both more than I ever new capable.  There are so many things that I try to engrave in my head as you are growing so quickly.  You both melt my heart daily.  Cheers to our first year together as "Reynolds Family of Six"!!


Dana said...

Great pictures and memories! Wish we could let time stand still......sometimes.

amie said...

Cannot believe your babies are 1 already! Your family is so stinkin beautiful:)

Unknown said...

You did a great job with everything! So glad we got to celebrate these sweet babies 1st birthdays :)

Sarah Urbanec said...

So so so cute missy! Especially love "go team ruby and jett" shirts! :) you are super mom!